“Entoura is supporting the Drive Change campaign as the restrictions on driving whilst taking medicinal cannabis is one of the top two reason why many Australian are not accessing quality medicines that may significantly improve their quality of life. Equalising the state of play with other prescription medications is paramount for increasing access and the resultant positive social impact.”

Clare Barker

General Manager, Entoura
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It’s time to be kind and drive change for medicinal cannabis

Imagine having to choose between taking your legally prescribed medication and going to work,doing the school run or getting the shopping that week. Yes, week. This is the stark reality for many Australian medicinal cannabis patients because of the discriminatory drug-driving laws that still exist in most states. Current laws penalise the mere presence of […]

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Working and driving rights are human rights

If your prescribed medicine prevents you from driving and working, what does that mean for your human rights? The UK’s Cannabis Industry Council released a report this week into workplace issues for medicinal cannabis patients who are regarded as disabled under UK work, health and safety laws. Despite its specificity, it is a worthwhile read […]

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